10Termite Journal 2016.1 No.1656.結論 重金属を含有した従来型の木材保存剤の使用に対する社会的関心の高まり, そして広い生物活性スペクトルと高い効果を有する新しいタイプの製剤の開発を車の両輪として, ホウ酸塩の木材保存分野における使用は世界的に増加し続けている。ホウ素化合物を有効成分とする木材保存剤はほ乳類に対する毒性が非常に低く, 木材腐朽菌類やほとんどすべての種類のシロアリに対して効果がある。もちろん, ホウ素化合物が屋外暴露され湿潤状態となった処理木材から容易に溶脱することは間違いのない事実ではあるが, 屋内や乾燥状態で使用される場合には, シロアリによる食害に対して十分な阻止効力を持つ。引用文献1)Gentz, M.C., J. K. Grace (2009):The response and recovery of the Formosan subterranean termite (Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki) from sublethal born exposures, Int. J. Pest Manage., 55, 63–67.2)Bhatia, T.K. (2002):Use of borate-treated wood as part of an IPM approach for durable and sustainable construction, Pro. 4th International Conference on Urban Pests, the USA, Charleston, pp. 269–276.3)Kartal, S.N. (2009):Boron-based wood preservatives and their use. In “Handbook on Borates: Chemistry, Production and Applications” Ed. by M.P. Chung, Nova Science Publishers.4)Llyod, J.D. (1998):Borates and their biological applications, International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Doc. No. IRG/WP 98–30178, Stockholm, Sweden, 25 pp.5)Freeman, M. H., C. R. McIntyre, J. Jackson (2009): A critical and comprehensive review of boron in wood preservation, Proc. Amer. Wood Prot. Assoc., 105, 279–294.6)Lebow, S., R. W. Anthony (2012):Guide for use of wood preservatives in historic structures, General Technical Report FPL-GTR-217, Madison, WI, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, pp.597)American Wood Protection Association (2012)8)Vinden, P., J. Romero (1997):Developments in the application of organic boron compounds, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Wood Protection with Diffusible Preservatives and Pesticides. Madison, WI, USA. Proceedings No. 7284, pp. 119–126.9)De Groot, R.C., C. C. Felton, D. M. Crawford (2000):Distribution of borates around point source injections in wood members exposed outside, Research Note FPL–RN–0275. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, pp.510)Ahmed, M.B., J. R. J. French, P. Vinden (2004): Evaluation of borate formulations as wood preservatives to control subterranean termites in Australia, Holzforschung, 58, 446–454.11)Su, N. Y., R. H. Scheffrahn (1991):Laboratory evaluations of disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (Tim-Bor) as a wood preservative or a bait-toxicant against the Formosan subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Doc. No. IRG/WP/ 1513, Stockholm, Sweden, pp.25 12)Tsunoda, K. (2001):Preservative properties of vapor-boron-treated wood and wood-based composites, J. Wood Sci., 47, 149–153.13)Schoeman, M.W., J. D. Lloyd (1998):International standardization: a hypothetical case study with stand-alone borate wood preservatives, International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Doc. No. IRG/WP 98-20147, Stockholm, Sweden, pp.1114)Kartal, S.N., Y. Imamura (2004):The use of boron as wood preservative systems for wood and wood-based composites, Proc. 2nd International Boron Symposium, Turkey, Eskisehir, pp. 333–338.15)Smith, W.R., Q. Wu (2005):Durability improvement for structural wood composites - Current state of the art, For. Prod. J., 52 (2), 8–17. 16)Morrell, J.J. (2002):Wood-based composites: what have we learned? Int. Biodeterior. Biodegrad. 49, 253–258. 17)Kirkpatrick, J.W., H. M. Barnes (2006):Biocide treatments for wood composites―A Review. The International Research Group on Wood Protection, Doc. No. IRG/WP 06 40323, Stockholm, Sweden, pp.20