しろあり No.155(平成23年1月号)
しろあり No.155 2011年1月
木質材料に係る揮発性有機化合物(VOC)問題の変遷 ・・・井上明生・・・(1)
シロアリと菌類の共生 ・・・金城一彦・・・(7)
光刺激に対するシロアリの警報行動 —自己振動を使って仲間に危険を知らせる— ・・・大村和香子・・・(10)
—要となる住宅の耐震化— ・・・本田卓也・・・(13)
高知県における木造住宅の耐震化の促進について ・・・川﨑和久・・・(17)
建物被害に及ぼす影響 ・・・土井 正・・・(21)
—愛媛県南予S市地区の事例として— ・・・三好廣通・・・(26)
長崎県世界遺産登録へ向けた白蟻対策事業の報告 ・・・満山貴洋・・・(32)
ベイトボックスで判明したシロアリの生態 ・・・廣瀬博宣・・・(39)
第5回研究発表会に関するアンケート調査報告 ・・・土井 正・・・(47)
SHIROARI (TERMITE JOURNAL) No. 155, January 2011
Transition of volatile organic compounds (VOC) issues relating to wood-based materials
...Akio Inoue...(1)
[Research Topics]
Symbiosis of termites and fungi ...Kazuhiko Kinjo...(7)
Alarm behavior in termites against photo stimulation
―termites alarm their nestmates using self-vibration― ...Wakako Ohmura...(10)
[Special Lectures at the National Convention]
Strategies against the Nankai Earthquake
―Importance of anti-earthquake performance of houses― ...Takuya Honda...(13)
Enhancement of anti-earthquake performance of wooden houses in
Kochi Prefecture ...Kazuhisa Kawasaki...(17)
Relationship between Biological deterioration of Structural Lumber and
Earthquake Damage to Wooden Houses ...Tadashi Doi...(21)
[Presentations at the Research Meeting]
Deterioration survey on construction timbers of a 165-years old
Zen temple with special references to biological attacks ...Hiromichi Miyoshi...(26)
Termite control pratices in Nagasaki Prefecture towards registration on a
UNESCO World Heritage ...Takahiro Mitsuyama...(32)
New information on young workers of Coptotermes formosanus
found in a baiting process ...Hironobu Hirose...(39)
[Committee Information]
Report of the 5th Research Meeting ...Tadashi Doi...(47)